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coke can lids

If you like to take a drink on the go, coke can lids are perfect for keeping your soda fresh and delicious. When you open a can of soda, it releases carbon dioxide gas. The gas is what makes the soda or pop bubbly and fizzy. Now, allow the can to sit too long and all that gas will escape resulting in a flat soda without fizz. Nobody likes flat soda!

The bugs were identical to those many of you described finding in a can of soda left outside when you went to take a drink. Insect and rodents love soda just us much as we do, they even made into the can! No one wishes to have ants or any other creatures in their glass of water.

Keep bugs out of your coke with can lids

They are used to keep the bugs out but with coke can lids you blow them in! The lid nests right on top of the can and creates a barrier to keep bugs from crawling inside. This is especially relevant during a picnic or BBQ when you are eating outside. The last thing you want is to take a sip of your drink and realize that there are creepy crawlies in it.

And goodness knows, there is nothing more frustrating than cracking open a can of soda only to take two or three big swigs and then realize the pop has lost all its fizz. Soft drink taste worse when it has gone flat, so you can really get the most out of your soda using coke can lids.

Why choose Furanda coke can lids?

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