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Schmidt beer cans

Hello, everyone! How are you doing today? I hope you have a pleasant day ahead. Have a think, guess what it might be about? That’s right! Forget about Schmidt Furanda beer cans. Yes, you read that right. These Schmidt beer cans are pretty cool and interesting! But hang on a sec, who is Schmidt-be anyway?


Schmidt has been around for many years. It all began in 1856, when Jacob Schmidt opened his own brewery in St. Paul, Minnesota » The company produced various types of beers and quickly earned the attention of beer lovers. The brand Schmidt is still known today for that delicious beer (not so much on the other!) and awesome throwback cans that people collect!

Take a Sip from Schmidt's Classic Beer Can Design

With that in mind, can you guess why beer tastes different out of a bottle than from the more traditional experience of drawing it up into your mug? Drinking from a can means cold beer, and that's important with the heat! Additionally, the cans are very easy to store and transport around with them, especially when they go out for a picnic or partying. And get this: it is awesome. Those Schmidt beer cans are recyclable! So, when you are done drinking, the cans do not litter landfills! No instead, they can be converted into a different topic which is super badass.


Schmidt: A refreshing classic beer can design I could write many an Ode about. This design dates back to 1960, and not a hell of a lot has changed since then. Do you want to know why? Because Schmidt Furanda beer can thin absolutely is perfect. It is a simple design, with white background and green plus golden stripes. Also, you know how his name is then written really big and bold — SCHMIDT. Really love the font and because of that, you can see a Schmidt beer from clear across town.

Why choose Furanda Schmidt beer cans?

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